
Kaskadni trening o govoru mržnje za advokate iz Republike Srpske

Advokati i advokatice iz Banja Luke, Doboja, Prijedora, Čelinca, Bijeljine, Istočnog Sarajeva, Sarajeva i Mostara, učestvovali su tokom dva dana u kaskadnom treningu o govoru mržnje, što uključuje primjenu evropskih standarda ustanovljenih u Evropskoj konvenciji o ljudskim pravima (EKLJP), i praksi Evropskog suda za ljudska prava, ali i lokalni zakonodavni okvir i praksu.

Definiranje govora mržnje osjetljiv je segment kod primjene evropskih standarda, te se kroz praksu Evropskog suda za ljudska prava naglašava važnost cjelokupnog konteksta i razmatranja svakog pojedinačnog slučaja. Naglašen je dvojaki model na koji Evropski sud cijeni slučajeve govora mržnje, u slučajevima kad se primjenjuje trostruki test – test proporcionalnosti gdje se utvrđuje da li je povreda slobode izražavanja u domenu stava 2 člana 10 EKLJP, kada država ima pravo ograničiti slobode izražavanja, ili se radi o takvom tipu izražavanja, koji se po članu 17 zbog suštinskog napada na vrijednosti koje EKLJP štiti, automatski isključuju iz zaštite Konvencije.

Trening je bazirana na interaktivnoj metodi, pa su advokati i advokatice imali priliku da čitaju, diksutiraju i prezentiraju različite primjere iz prakse kako Evropskog, tako i domaćih sudova, te na taj način razvijaju svoje vještine u primjeni evropskih standarda u vlastitiom radu.

treninga je dodatno jačanje kapaciteta lokalnog pravosuđa o standardima slobode izražavanja u kontekstu govora mržnje, čije je prisustvo intenzivirano u javnom prostoru Bosne i Hercegovine, prema novijim istraživanjima. Edukatorice i edukator na ovom treningu bili su Jelena Surčulija Milojević, profesorica medijskog prava Unverziteta u Beogradu i međunarodna ekspertica Vijeća Evrope, sutkinja vrhovnog suda FBiH Svjetlana Milišić Veličkovski, sudija Amir Kapetanović iz Suda BiH i advokatica iz Doboja Irena Obradović Puzić. Trening je organiziran u suradnji sa Advokatskom komorom Republike Srpske.

Ovaj trening organiziran je u okviru zajedničkog programa Europske unije i Vijeća Europe “Horizontal Facility za Zapadni Balkan i Tursku 2019-2022”, u sklopu projekta “Sloboda izražavanja i sloboda medija u Bosni i Hercegovini (JUFREX)“.

Multidisciplinary seminar on the protection of the right to privacy and the protection of freedom of expression

Where the limits of the journalist reporting on the topics of publics interest are, and when do they imply with regards to publishing personal data; in which cases it is more important to protect privacy, and in which freedom of expression has the advantage; how is this relationship determined by the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Court for Human Rights case-law; how these issues are treated both in the domestic legislation and in the media regulation and self-regulation? These are the questions that were subject to a live discussion at the multidisciplinary seminar for the representatives of the media and the judiciary community.

Council of Europe expert Peter Noorlander and local experts lawyer Irena Puzić-Obradović, Regulatory authority representative, Azra Maslo, journalist Renata Radić – Dragić and professor Vuk Vučetić have been presenting at the event.

The event was organised in a hybrid manner, combining online and offline participation. The event gathered 29 participants, and it was organised in partnership with the Press Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, within the joint European Union/Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”, and its action on “Freedom of expression and freedom of the media in Bosnia and Herzegovina (JUFREX)”.

Cascade training on defamation for lawyers of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Lawyers from Sarajevo, Tuzla, Zenica, Bihać, Mostar, Gračanica and Ljubuški are participating in two days cascade training on the application of the Law on defamation in the judicial system of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), which includes understanding and application of the Council of Europe standards established by the European Convention on Human Rights, as well as in the practice of the European Court of Human Rights.

Training on defamation and defamation laws began with a case study. Participants were introduced to the facts of a defamation case which they argumented about and upon which they opened a series of questions and finally acknowledged the elements of defamation. This was an introduction to the analysis of the relevant cases of the European Court of Human Rights, as well as domestic courts, which were the topic of presentations at the seminar. Restricting the freedom of expression by the court through administrative, criminal and civil proceedings, but also in value courts, facts in defamation proceedings and preserving the dignity of the court and freedom of expression were also topics covered by the training.

The aim of the seminar is to further strengthen the capacity of the local judiciary with regards to standards of the freedom of expression and defamation, as set out in the European Convention on Human Rights, and the current practice of the European Court of Human Rights. The educators in the seminar are Sevima Sali Terzić, senior advisor at the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, judge Amir Kapetanović from the Court of BiH and Irena Obradović Puzić, lawyer from Doboj. The seminar was organised in co-operation with the Bar Association of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This training has been organised within the joint European Union/Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”, and its action on “Freedom of expression and freedom of the media in Bosnia and Herzegovina (JUFREX)”.